The winner of the worst idea of all time when it comes to additives in e-liquids has to go to HelloCig Electronic Technology Co., a Chinese company that also sells vaping products in the U.S. It’s hard to believe who thought this would be a good idea, but HelloCig actually started adding Viagra and Cialis to it’s vape juice. It sounds like it should be a joke, but they actually did this. As if the electronic cigarette world didn’t already have enough trouble from the FDA without someone deciding to throw prescription drugs into the mix!
Needless to say, the FDA was not happy to see them. On October 11th, HelloCig received a sternly worded letter of warning asking them to please stop adding erectile dysfunction and weight loss drugs to their products. The FDA also released a statement.
“There are no e-liquid products approved to contain prescription drugs or any other medications that require a doctor’s supervision,” it read. As if anyone really needed to be reminded of that. Well, actually, I guess someone did, the people at HelloCig whose brains seem to be permanently in power saving mode.
“Prescription drugs are carefully evaluated and labeled to reflect the risks of the medications and their potential interactions with other medicines, and vaping active drug ingredients is an ineffective route of delivery and can be dangerous,” the FDA continued.
HelloCig also released a statement: “Our aim is to fully comply with all FDA regulations, both in letter and spirit.”
Um, that ship kind of sailed when you added prescription drugs to your vape juice and then sold it right under the FDA's nose. One has to wonder what other drugs, possibly of a recreational nature, HelloCig might have been adding to their personal vape pens that could have launched them on this ill considered path.
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