All international orders are shipped via FedEx or via USPS International. FedEx provides the most secure shipments available, with full tracking and customer service options. FedEx shipping requires a street address instead of a PO Box address for delivery. We actively work with FedEx to update our shipping forms and codes to enable safe and final shipment to countries outside the U.S.
However, due to currently fluctuating international laws and regulations as they pertain to the e-cigarette industry and nicotine products, we cannot guarantee shipment to any country outside the U.S. that does not have set laws, clearly defined, for import of electronic cigarettes and e-liquids. If there are clearly set laws that do not allow shipment of e-liquids to your country, our system will notify you by disabling check out using your local address. However, in cases where there are not clearly defined laws or where customs officials tend to "play by their own rules," you are assuming the risk of your order being stopped at customs. Kai's Virgin Vapor cannot be responsible for packages held, tampered with, or refused at customs. There are no refunds or replacements for orders lost after leaving the United States or confiscated by the customs department in your country. We do not calculate, charge or assume charges for VAT, duty or import taxes for international shipments.
We do not ship to countries that have banned the sale and import of all e-cigarette hardware, e-cigarette accessories and e-cigarette liquid. Please check your local country regulations prior to ordering.
If you are in the UK and would like to save on shipping, you can order direct from our distributor, Vape Green.
If you are in the Netherlands and would like to save on shipping, you can order direct from our distributor, Smoke Smarter.
Try our premium organic vape juice today!